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Setting Up Appcircle Testing Distribution Plugin

The Appcircle Testing Distribution plugin allows users to upload their apps and start distribution to test groups or individuals.

Discover Action

You can discover more about this action and install it from:

Preview of fastlane-plugin-appcircle_testing_distribution | | your community gem host

System Requirements

Compatible Agents:

  • macOS 14.2, 14.5

Supported Version:

  • Fastlane 2.222.0
  • Ruby 3.2.2

Currently, plugins are only compatible to use with Appcircle Cloud. Self-hosted support will be available in future releases.

How to Add the Appcircle Distribute Action to Your Pipeline

To use the Appcircle Testing Distribution action, install the plugin and add the following step to your pipeline at the end:

fastlane add_plugin appcircle_testing_distribution
personalAPIToken: "$(AC_PERSONAL_API_TOKEN)",
profileName: "$(AC_PROFILE_NAME)",
createProfileIfNotExists: Boolean,
appPath: "$(AC_APP_PATH)",
message: "$(AC_MESSAGE)",
  • personalAPIToken: The Appcircle Personal API token is used to authenticate and secure access to Appcircle services. Add this token to your credentials to enable its use in your pipeline and ensure authorized actions within the platform.
  • profileName: Specifies the profile that will be used for uploading the app.
  • createProfileIfNotExists: Ensures that a user profile is automatically created if it does not already exist; if the profile name already exists, the app will be uploaded to that existing profile instead.
  • appPath: Indicates the file path to the application package that will be uploaded to Appcircle Testing Distribution Profile.
  • message: Your message to testers, ensuring they receive important updates and information regarding the application.

Leveraging Environment Variables

Utilize environment variables seamlessly by substituting the parameters with $(VARIABLE_NAME) in your task inputs. The extension automatically retrieves values from the specified environment variables within your pipeline.

Build Steps Order

Ensure that this action is added after build steps have been completed.


If multiple workflows start simultaneously, the order in which versions are shared in the Testing Distribution is determined by the execution order of the publish step. The version that completes its build and triggers the publish plugin first will be shared first, followed by the others in sequence.
